Meet The Witch of the Gardens

Greetings, Merry Meet
I am Lady MoonRaven & I welcome you to the Enchanted Witchery Herbals Blog.
I cordially invite you to become a member of my blog and follow along
this magnificent journey of
Enchanted Gardening with Herbs & Botanical.

A bit about myself.
I was raised on the New England coast were gardening is a pride taken by many.
Stunning gardens can be found everywhere from
Connecticut to Maine.
I was very fortunate to have a Mother that also had a love of gardening and as a child was able to work with her as she painted the grounds with beautiful beds of edibables and botanical.
I can remember having passers by stopping on a regular basis to admire the gardens and if they were lucky enoungh to catch her out tending to them were more then likely to get some good tips and an armful of delights to take home.
This is were my love of gardening began and it has grown to a deep passion and love.
At 50 I can now say that I have lived a half century surrounded by my beloved herbs & flora.
Through out the years on my own personal journey I have been taken in many areas of discovery, learned much knowledge of horticulture and incorperate this passion into my daily life.
I am a Practicing Witch, Pagan & Wiccan by religious belief.
In short term " A Tree Hugging, Dirt Loving, Goddess Worshipper"
I can not imagine my world anyother way!
I am a High Priestess of the Craft & Certified Natural Herbalist.
Working with Herbs & Botanical for Medicial & Magical Purpose.
Bring forth change for the positive in every light.
I hope you will follow along and begin or expand your own journey as we travel through
the different areas of gardening.
Here you will find information on Designing Gardens, Garden Themes,
Gardens for the Goddess & Faerie Gardens & Culinary Herb Gardens
Gardens that will yield Magical Herbs to use in Spells & Workings as well as those used in
Old World healing remedies such as
Tea's, Tonic's, Ointment's & Vinegar's
Culinary Herbs to use in delightful recipe dishes.
So lets step out into the gardens and start the journey..
Lady MoonRaven

I also invite you to visit my other locations at
My Full Website & Online Shopping
The Official Site of Enchanted Witchery Products
Enchanted Witchery Candles, Witchcraft Supplies, Wiccan Supplies, Ritual Clothing,
Custom crafted Altar Tables, Witches Cabinets & Herb Cupboards, Incense, Resins, Ritual Oils,
Essential Oils, Organic Bath & Body Products, Metaphysical Books, Music, Tarot Card &
Oracle Decks, Altar Adornments & Much More..
The Enchanted Witchery Herbal Shop
Herbs, Plants, Pure Essential Oils, Flower Essences, Crystal Infused & Herbal Tea's
Ointments, Salves, Tinctures, Vinegars, Soaps and Bath & Body Offerings
The Magickal Cupboard Shop of Witch Wares
Enchanted Witchery Candles, Natural Incense, Resins, Ritual Oils, Ritual Supplies,
Spell & Ritual Kits, Herbal Potions, Jewelry & Magickal Wares


  1. Greetings Lady MoonRaven,
    I am so excited about your new Enchanted Witchery Herbals Blog! I am looking forward to learning more about planting and working with herbs for medicinal and magickal purposes. I can't wait to start this fantastic journey! I love your Enchanted Witchery website! Ever since I used to visit your store in Milford, I am so thrilled to be able to visit your websites on line every day. They bring me back to the magickal energies I felt everytime I would visit you in Milford. It makes me feel at home and I love it!!
    In Light, Dottie

  2. I would love to follow this blog.
